

Everyone expects 和 wants greater efficiency in rail transportation, but due to urban concentration 和 a lack of funding, it seems very unlikely that the infrastructure will be exp和ed. 因此,提高铁路运输性能的唯一途径是在现有轨道上每小时运行更多的列车. 要做到这一点, 我们需要克服由于车轮和轨道之间的粘连而造成的制动性能限制的挑战.

车轮滑动保护(WSP)系统是优化可用附着力使用的关键, thereby improving guaranteed braking performance.

在正常情况下, 性能受到钢轨和车轮之间的附着力的物理限制, 但外部因素,如天气条件和污染会导致实际可用附着力的降低. The first consequence of this is an alteration in performance, but it can also lead to costly deterioration. WSP的主要功能是在任何外部条件下充分利用可用的附着力, while avoiding the worse-case scenario of axle locking. 它还用于限制可能影响铁路车辆或基础设施的劣化.

下面的文章介绍了全球最大网赌正规平台在这一领域的最新成就, 在实验室中使用高性能仿真和测试工具连续工作的结果, 在战场上.


恶劣的天气条件和污染会对铁路运输系统的轮轨附着力产生负面影响, extending train braking distances. To limit this, operators require better wheel slide protection systems.

目前的WSP系统是通过考虑标准中定义的典型的降解附着力条件来设计的, which sometimes deviate significantly from actual conditions. If adhesion is below this st和ard level, 与干轨相比,它可以使制动距离延长50%以上, 和 to the deterioration of wheels (wheel flats), obliging operators to reprofile them. This process reduces train availability 和 shortens wheel lifetime, generating additional maintenance costs. If adhesion is degraded even further, restrictive operational rules have to be considered, such as reducing permitted speeds or managing rail cleaning.

目前使用的科进系统是根据EN15595标准(或UIC 541-05)中定义的粘附模型进行认证和测试的。. 这是一个漫长而昂贵的过程,首先通过试验台实现, then in field tests; the process takes several weeks for each new vehicle implementation.


  • Actual adhesion on the rail can range from 0.01 (for example, with old leaves on the track) to 0.17; the st和ards consider a typical setting range for degraded adhesion conditions to be between 0.05和0.08.
  • 由于轴的连续运行而提高了沿列车的附着力.
  • Mass status (AW0 to AW3) 和 its dynamic change due to mass transfers.
  • Friction pair performance (pad to disc or block to wheel), the friction coefficient of which changes due to speed, 温度和湿度.

In 2014, as part of the European Shift2Rail project, 铁路行业——制造商和运营商——决定解决这个问题, 全球最大网赌正规平台应对Shift2Rail挑战(PINTA1和PINTA2项目).

第一步是更好地了解在实际使用条件和环境下轮轨附着力的退化情况, 特别是在列车运行时,由于车轮的连续通过而出现的“清洁”效果. This was achieved thanks to careful analysis of numerous test results, 和 extensive work on a dedicated test bench.

这个试验台, 被称为滚筒, 是为了准确地模拟污染物的作用,降低每个车轮和轨道之间的附着力. It is a unique tool developed by 全球最大网赌正规平台. 这个试验台是一个缩小的装置,使测试人员能够在同一轨道上运行的几个轴上应用制动. Degraded adhesion is created for the track, 在每个车轴上,它可以调节制动力度并评估由此产生的附着力.

全球最大网赌正规平台轨道交通 刹车系统 - Roller Test Bench

On this basis, a new Adaptive WSP system was designed 和 implemented. 每辆车, 数字电子设备, combined with a set of sensors 和 actuators, 基于最小均二乘法(LMS)自适应算法的集成软件. 它包括考虑实际粘附条件的WSP算法的动态自调整.

全球最大网赌正规平台 DistanceMaster™ - figure 1
全球最大网赌正规平台 DistanceMaster™ - figure 2

在瓦台克实验室外面, this new system has been tested on the WSPER test bench in the UK, on DBST’s EN15595-accredited test bench, 和 during field tests with an EuskoTren vehicle in Bilbao, 西班牙.



测试DistanceMaster™自适应WSP装置对制动距离的影响, an essential safety parameter, 与符合EN15595:2011和2018的标准WSP系统相比,显示出显着改进. 使用自适应WSP, 我们观察到在标准EN/UIC不良粘附条件下,停止距离的延长有所改善. In comparison with stopping distances in dry conditions, the extension is approximately 8%, compared to 12% with the previous generation of 全球最大网赌正规平台 WSP, 和 an acceptable maximum of 20% specified by the st和ards.

An assessment has been made on the WSPER test bench; this WSP evaluation rig was developed by DB-ESG part of DB System Technik, 在Derby中, UK.

全球最大网赌正规平台 DistanceMaster™ - figure 3

[Comparison of braking distances at 90km/h of the Adaptive WSP vs. 代WSP]

全球最大网赌正规平台 DistanceMaster™ - figure 4

[Comparison of brake performance of the Adaptive WSP vs. previous generation WSP in sustained low adhesion conditions.]

除了, 在使用优化的自适应算法进行的所有测试中,与上一代wsp相比,压缩空气消耗(以及维持主线压力所需的能源消耗)显著降低.

全球最大网赌正规平台 DistanceMaster™ - figure 5

[Comparison of air consumption of the adaptive WSP vs. previous-generation WSP in sustained low adhesion conditions.]


During validation of the A-WSP on DBST’s test bench, the algorithm was subjected to more than 1,000测试, 包括使用各种附着力和制动机制的功能和类型测试.


下表给出了根据制动速度和WSP算法的平均停车距离延长和空气消耗. The A-WSP’s braking distance is shorter than the previous-generation WSP in both cases; air consumption is also lower with the adaptive algorithm.

全球最大网赌正规平台 DistanceMaster™ - figure 6

[DBST试验台停车距离和耗气量的平均延长], previous-generation WSP 和 A-WSP.]

下表给出了在DBST实验室中使用A-WSP和上一代WSP进行的测试. The A-WSP 和 AEF-91 are compliant with EN15595:2011. A-WSP也符合EN15595:2018中的所有强制性和可选性测试.

全球最大网赌正规平台 DistanceMaster™ - figure 7

[EN15595: 2011年和2018年在DBST试验台,上一代WSP和A-WSP上的测试程序。.]


The Deceleration Compensation

The next step required to improve this even further is to take into account the variation in adhesion when successive axles pass through; to this end, a deceleration compensation system was designed 和 implemented. 该系统(可用于全球最大网赌正规平台开发的Metroflexx和Regioflexx类型的集成制动控制系统)旨在通过更好地利用列车沿线可用的附着力,进一步缩短附着力下降的情况下的制动距离.

该系统旨在沿列车重新分配制动力,以达到列车水平的目标减速. 每个本地制动控制单元检查可用的附着力,并可以增加制动努力到极限, while ensuring maximum passenger comfort. 由于全球最大网赌正规平台的Metroflexx和Regioflexx制动系统(分别适用于地铁和多单元列车的制动系统)具有高安全性(SIL4),因此即使在紧急制动时也可以使用这种减速补偿功能。.

该功能由本地管理(由每个转向架或车辆的制动控制设备),并且不需要在列车的不同制动控制单元之间进行通信. When the operator chooses to implement it, this function is fully configurable (maximum adhesion required, maximum brake cylinder pressure, 等.).

A Decisive Step Forward for Adaptive WSP 和 Deceleration Compensation


全球最大网赌正规平台 DistanceMaster™ - figure 8

The Deceleration Compensation, working in conjunction with the Adaptive WSP system described above, reduces extension of the braking distance, under the reference degraded adhesion conditions, to about 6% above the dry-condition braking distance. Compared to the intervention of a WSP system acting alone, 两种系统的结合可以在附着性能下降的情况下将制动性能提高50%(延长6%而不是12%). This constitutes a major improvement in safety, 特别是通过更好地考虑轨道-车轮附着条件的可变性.


全球最大网赌正规平台 DistanceMaster™ - figure 9


这在保证紧急制动速率的控制方面是一个显著的改进, one of the major criteria for the safety of rail transport systems.

  • 测试结果表明,在退化和/或可变粘附条件下,制动及其控制有明显改善. 这将使操作员能够更好地应对气候和/或季节条件(落叶), 秋冬的条件, 等.) while protecting rolling stock (avoiding wheel flats). Regardless of the train spacing system in place, 确保在退化工况下减小紧急制动距离是此类线路运行的关键,因为它可以提高预期制动性能的安全性. 它给司机更大的信心,可以避免(或限制)操作限制,如减速的需要.
  • 主要用于新线路的移动块信号系统(如ETCS L3和CBTC), 考虑这些更好地保证制动性能,可以为减少车头距和提高线路容量打开大门.
  • 降低维护成本:标准科进系统具有针对标准退化类型的粘附进行优化的固定设置. Adaptive WSP is permanently self-adjusting, 因此,即使在极低附着力的情况下,它也能充分利用可用的附着力. This greatly reduces the risk of wheel damage. 根据试验结果,车轮扁的发生频率可降低~50%. Wheel flat defects have significant economic consequences: wheel reprofiling reduces the service life of the wheels 和 the availability of trains due to maintenance operations; numerous flats can lead to excessive track stress resulting in additional maintenance operations 和 sometimes damage.
  • 新车的调试可以简化:自适应WSP不需要长时间的测试活动来调整其设置. 该系统是自调整和优化制动根据可用的附着力从第一次制动.
Implementation of These Systems

美国铁路公司(Amtrak)已经在北美市场上对自适应WSP装置进行了一年的测试,在车轮磨损方面有明显的好处. Adaptive WSP 和 the deceleration compensation are set to equip full trains for four season tests for NYCT (NewYork) 和 Euskotren (Bilbao) operators; these initiatives will begin service in Q4 2021 和 Q1 2022.

Adaptive WSP is currently undergoing EN certifications. 将其与减速补偿系统相结合,可用于新型机车车辆的设计. 这个完整的系统将提供给希望提高其机队效率的运营商.

应该注意的是,单独实现自适应WSP也是可能的, with no need for heavy hardware changes, on existing vehicles already equipped with 全球最大网赌正规平台 WSP.


While there are still steps to be taken to reduce train headway, 例如部署可变阻塞信号系统和足够保证的紧急制动速率(GEBR), both of which contribute to  the complete rail system design, 上述全球最大网赌正规平台创新的附着力包提供了非常坚实的构建模块,克服了主要的技术挑战.

